Debora Nozza is an Assistant Professor in Computing Sciences at Bocconi University. She was awarded a €1.5m ERC Starting Grant project 2023 for research on personalized and subjective approaches to Natural Language Processing. Previously, she was awarded a €120,000 grant from Fondazione Cariplo for her project MONICA, which focuses on monitoring coverage, attitudes, and accessibility of Italian measures in response to COVID-19. Her research interests mainly focus on Natural Language Processing, specifically on the detection and counter-acting of hate speech and algorithmic bias on Social Media data in multilingual context.
She organized the 7th Workshop on Online Abuse and Harms (WOAH) at ACL 2023 and the ICWSM 2023 Data Challenge: Temporal social data at ICWSM 2023. She was one of the organizers of the task on Automatic Misogyny Identification (AMI) at Evalita 2018 and Evalita 2020, and one of the organizers of the HatEval Task 5 at SemEval 2019 on multilingual detection of hate speech against immigrants and women in Twitter.
PhD in Computer Science, 2018
University of Milano Bicocca
[01/12/23] New paper on A Tale of Pronouns: Interpretability Informs Gender Bias Mitigation for Fairer Instruction-Tuned Machine Translation published at EMNLP 2023.
[06/09/23] I’m thrilled and honored to have been awarded a €1.5m ERC Starting Grant project 2023 for my project PERSONAE.
[05/09/23] Organizer of HODI, the first shared task on Homotransphobia Detection in Italian at 8th evaluation campaign EVALITA 2023.
[05/09/23] Organizer of EMit at EVALITA 2023: the Categorical Emotion Detection in Italian Social Media Task.
[19/07/23] Come work with me! New position open for a postdoc starting this year. See the call here